Numerous initiatives spearheaded by Chief Minister Yogi Ji aim to uplift the residents of Uttar Pradesh, with a prime example being the 2024 Unemployment Allowance Scheme. This initiative specifically targets the unemployed youth of the state, offering financial assistance to aid in their preparation for government exams and to meet their daily needs. Some individuals struggle to afford application fees for these exams, but through the 2024 Unemployment Allowance Scheme, they can not only cover these fees but also purchase necessary study materials.
Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2024
- CM Yogi Ji initiated the online application process for the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana in 2024.
- The official website for registration is
- Applications are accepted exclusively online.
**Eligibility for Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2024**
- Unemployed individuals actively seeking employment or those who recently lost their jobs are eligible.
- In cases of involuntary job loss, the government provides 50% of the individual's previous salary as monthly assistance.
- Applicants must be residents of Uttar Pradesh, aged between 21 and 35, and possess a minimum educational qualification of a 12th-grade certificate or higher.
- Current employment with government or private entities disqualifies applicants.
Benefits of Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2024
- Monthly payments ranging from Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 are disbursed directly to beneficiaries' bank accounts.
- Both male and female individuals are covered under this scheme.
- Funds can be utilized for government job application fees and the purchase of study materials.
How to Apply for Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2024
1. Visit the official website of the UP government:
2. Navigate to the "New Job Seeker" option in the website menu.
3. Complete the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana form with personal details, including name, age, qualification, contact information, etc.
4. Verify the provided OTP and Captcha code.
5. Review the filled form and submit it.
6. Print out the submitted form.
7. Attach necessary documents.
8. Submit the form to the Employment Exchange Office nearest to you.
9. The Employment Officer will verify the details, and upon approval, your name will be registered in the Employment Exchange.
10. Receive monthly payments or secure new employment under the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana.
The Berojgari Bhatta Yojana empowers youth to prepare for government jobs and secure contract-based employment opportunities aligned with their qualifications. Individuals seeking financial assistance from the government are encouraged to submit their applications to the Employment Exchange. Should any queries arise during the application process, assistance is available.